Traci Khan 805-312-1307 psychostamper@gmail.com Visit My Site |
Happy October to You!
Running a little behind this month…just trying to pick up the pace. Thanks so much to those of you who shared such kind thoughts and words. I have always known that those who create always have the kindest hearts.
I have been feeling the need for a bit (ok, a lot) of chocolate lately. So I know its last minute, but if you would like to join me for:
On Saturday, December 2nd , I will again be participating in the Lady Boss Holiday Boutique in Camarillo, CA. We will have handmade items for your gift giving needs (and for you too). I will also have additional stamp products available for sale. I will post more details as the flyer for the event is released.
Don’t forget the current promotions available (separate emails were sent previously). As stated earlier, The Stampin' Blends are being released on November 1st. I have recieved mine and they are so much fun! Always check out my website: psychostamper.stampinup.net for current sales and promotions and of course shopping. Also visit my blog, soulfullycreated.comand Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SoulfulCreations/ for updates, events, promotions, creative thoughts and inspiration. If you would like to host an event at your home or mine, give me a buzz. Dates are filling quickly.
Well…I’ve got some creating to do.
Looking forward to creating with you soon.
Traci Khan, Stampin’ Up! Creative Consultant
Running a little behind this month…just trying to pick up the pace. Thanks so much to those of you who shared such kind thoughts and words. I have always known that those who create always have the kindest hearts.
I have been feeling the need for a bit (ok, a lot) of chocolate lately. So I know its last minute, but if you would like to join me for:
The Impromptu
Coffee, Creating and Chocolate III
Sunday, October 29, 2017
2:00-5:00 pm
My Home
Coffee, Creating and Chocolate III
Sunday, October 29, 2017
2:00-5:00 pm
My Home
This is a FREE Open House Event. I am looking forward to sharing fun projects, new products, and introducing the New Stampin’ Blends Alcohol Markers! I hear that the company will be great too. If you come dressed in costume…there will be a special prize for you! Refreshments will be served, of course. Yes, I am “cleaning house” so crafty stuff will be available for purchase including retired stamps, paper, etc. I also have some of my of my Mother (in-law) stamps pads and refills available as well. Many of her items will be posted on my blog for you to see in the next few days. So please visit my blog soulfullycreated.com. The Hostess Code for this event is: 6AFKYZ7S (this code is active now). With this code you may place any orders until November 2, 2017. Any orders placed online will be shipped immediately after you place your order and shipped directly to you. I will take pre-orders for the Stampin’ Blends at the event, and place those orders on November 2nd since they will be available to you on November 1.
RSVP by Friday October 27, 2017. Looking forward to seeing you!
I am excited about attending Stampin’ Up! On Stage Live Event in Salt Lake City in November. Just the thought of seeing new products, swapping and sharing, walking the stage for my 20th Stampin’ Up! Anniversary feels so good! RSVP by Friday October 27, 2017. Looking forward to seeing you!
On Saturday, December 2nd , I will again be participating in the Lady Boss Holiday Boutique in Camarillo, CA. We will have handmade items for your gift giving needs (and for you too). I will also have additional stamp products available for sale. I will post more details as the flyer for the event is released.
Don’t forget the current promotions available (separate emails were sent previously). As stated earlier, The Stampin' Blends are being released on November 1st. I have recieved mine and they are so much fun! Always check out my website: psychostamper.stampinup.net for current sales and promotions and of course shopping. Also visit my blog, soulfullycreated.comand Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SoulfulCreations/ for updates, events, promotions, creative thoughts and inspiration. If you would like to host an event at your home or mine, give me a buzz. Dates are filling quickly.
Well…I’ve got some creating to do.
Looking forward to creating with you soon.
Traci Khan, Stampin’ Up! Creative Consultant
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